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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 09993647"

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(19) World Intellectual Property Organization 

International Bureau 

(43) International Publication Date 
21 February 2002 (21.02.2002) 



(10) International Publication Number 

WO 02/14281 Al 

(51) International Patent Classification^: C07D 213/75, 

401/12, A61K 31/4418, A61P 7/00, 9/00, 17/00, 25/00, 
31/00, C07F 9/58 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/USO 1/250 15 

(22) International Filing Date: 10 August 2001 (10,08.2001) 

(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, 

AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, 
CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, H, GB, GD, GE, GH, 
GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, 
LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, 
MX, MZ, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, 
SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, 

(25) Filing Language: 

(26) Publication Language: 


(30) Priority Data: 


1 1 August 2000 (1 1.08.2000) US 

(71) Applicants and 

(72) Inventors: COCHRAN, John [US/US]; 24 Royal Crest 
Drive #3, North Andover, MA 01845 (US). GALULLO, 
Vincent [US/US]; 18A Ayer Road, Harvard, MA 01451 
(US). BEMIS, Guy [US/US]; 256 Appleton Street, Arling- 
ton, MA 02476 (US). 

(74) Agents: HALEY, James, F.; Fish & Neave, 1251 Avenue 
of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 et al. (US). 

(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM, 
KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian 
patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European 
patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, 
IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent (BE, BJ, CF, 
CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, 


— with international search report 

— before the expiration of the time limit for amending the 
claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of 

For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid- 
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin- 
ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette. 



(54) Title: INHIBITORS OF p38 

(57) Abstract: The present invention relates to inhibitors of p38, a mammalian protein kinase involved cell proliferation, cell death 
and response to extracellular stimuli. The invention also relates to inhibitors of ZAP70. The invention also relates to methods for 
producing these inhibitors. The invention also provides pharmaceutical compositions comprising the inhibitors of the invention and 
methods of utilizing those compositions in the treatment and prevention of various disorders. 

wo 02/14281 





The present invention relates to inhibitors of 
p38, a maimnalian protein kinase involved in cell 
proliferation, cell death and response to extracellular 
stimuli. The invention also relates to methods for 
10 producing these inhibitors. The invention also provides 
pharmaceutical compositions comprising the inhibitors of 
the invention and methods of utilizing those compositions 
in the treatment and prevention of various disorders. 


Protein kinases are involved in various 
cellular responses to extracellular signals. Recently, a 
family of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) has 
been discovered. Members of this family are Ser/Thr 
kinases that activate their substrates by phosphorylation 
[B. Stein et al . , Ann. Rep. Med. Chem., 31, pp. 289-98 
(1996) ] . MAPKs are themselves activated by a variety of 
signals including growth factors, cytokines, UV 
radiation, and stress-inducing agents. 

One particularly interesting MAPK is p38. p38, 
also known as cytokine suppressive anti-inflammatory drug 
binding protein (CSBP) and RK, was isolated from murine 
pre-B cells that were transfected with the 

lipopolysaccharide (LPS) receptor, CD14, and induced with 
LPS. p38 has since been isolated and sequenced, as has 
the cDNA encoding it in humans and mouse. Activation of 





wo 02/14281 PCT/USOl/25015 


p38 has been observed in cells stimulated by stress, such 
as treatment of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) , UV, 
anisomycin, or osmotic shock, and by cytokines, such as 
IL-1 and TNF. 

5 Inhibition of p38 kinase leads to a blockade on 

the production of both IL-1 and TNF. IL-1 and TNF 
stimulate the production of other proinflammatory 
cytokines such as IL-6 and IL-8 and have been implicated 
in acute and chronic inflammatory diseases and in post- 
10 menopausal osteoporosis [R. B. Kimble et al . , 
Endocrinol., 136, pp, 3054-61 (1995)]. 

Based upon this finding, it is believed that 
p38, along with other mPKs, have a role in mediating 
cellular response to inflammatory stimuli, such as 
15 leukocyte accumulation, macrophage/monocyte activation, 
tissue resorption, fever, acute phase responses and 
neutrophilia. In addition, MAPKs, such as p38, have been 
implicated in cancer, thrombin- induced platelet 
aggregation, immunodeficiency disorders, autoimmune 
20 diseases, cell death, allergies, osteoporosis and 

neurodegenerative disorders. Inhibitors of p38 have also 
been implicated in the area of pain management through 
inhibition of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase-2 
induction. Other diseases associated with Il-l, IL-6, 
25 IL-8 or TNF overproduction are set forth in WO 96/21654. 

Others have already begun trying to develop 
drugs that specifically inhibit MAPKs. For example, PCT 
publication WO 95/31451 describes pyrazole compounds that 
inhibit MAPKs, and, in particular, p38. However, the 
30 efficacy of these inhibitors in vivo is still being 

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Other p38 inhibitors have been produced,, 
including those described in WO 98/27098, WO 99/00357, WO 
99/10291, WO 99/58502, WO 99/54400, WO 00/17175 and WO 
00/17204 . 

5 Accordingly, there is still a great need to 

develop other potent inhibitors of p38, including p38- 
specific inhibitors, that are useful in treating various 
conditions associated with p38 activation. 

Another protein kinase that is involved in 

10 cellular responses to extracellular signals is ZAP70. 

When the T cell receptor (TOR) in T cells is triggered by 
binding an antigen, it in turn activates ZAP7 0. ZAP7 0 
acts to couple the TCR to a niimber of essential 
signalling pathways that are required for T cell 

15 differentiation and proliferation. 

Given ZAP70's role in T cell signalling, ZAP70 
may have a role in T cell mediated diseases. Such 
diseases include, without limitation, transplantation, 
autoimune disease, e.g., RA, systemic lupus erythematosus 

20 (SLE), psoriasis, Sjogren's Syndrome, thyroiditis, 

pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiolitis obliterans, hemolytic 
anemia and Wegener's granulomatosis, cancer, including 
leukemia and lymphoma, multiple sclerosis, graft versus 
host disease, and Kawasaki syndrome. 

-5 Accordingly, there is a great need to develop 

inhibitors of ZAP70 that are useful in treating various 
conditions associated with ZAP70 activation. 


The present invention addresses this problem by 
providing compounds that demonstrate inhibition of p38 
and/or ZAP70. 

wo 02/14281 




These compounds have the general formula 


(la), (lb). 




(Ic) and (Id), 

wherein each of Qi and Q2 are independently selected from 
a phenyl or 5-6 membered aromatic heterocyclic ring 
system, or a 8-10 membered bicyclic ring system 
comprising aromatic carbocyclic rings, aromatic 
heterocyclic rings or a combination of an aromatic 
carbocyclic ring and an aromatic heterocyclic ring. 

A heterocyclic ring system or a heterocyclic 
ring contains 1 to 4 heteroatoms, which are independently 
15 selected from N, O, S, SO and SO2 . 

The rings that make up Qi are substituted with 
1 to 4 substituents, each of which is independently 
selected from halo; C1-C3 alkyl optionally substituted 
with NR'2, OR', CO2R' or C0NR''2; O- (C1-C3) -alkyl 
20 optionally substituted with NR'2/- OR', CO2R' or CONR'2; 

NR'2; OCF3; CF3/ NO2/ CO2R'; CONR'; SR'; S(02)N(R')2; SCF3; 
CN; N(R')C(0)R\- N (R' ) C (O) ORS' N (R' ) C (O) C (O) rS* 

wo 02/14281 



N(R' ) S (02)RS- N{R')R'; N(R')2/ ORS- 0C(0)R'; 0P(0)3H2; or 
N=C-N(R' ) 2. 

The rings that make up Q2 are optionally 
substituted with up to 4 substituents, each of which is 
5 independently selected from halogen; C1-C3 straight or 

branched alkyl optionally substituted with R' , NR'2/ OR', 
CO2R'. S(02)N(R')2, N=C-N(RM2, R^ 0-P{03)H2, or CONR'2; O- 
(C1-C3) -alkyl; O- (C1-C3) -alkyl optionally substituted with 
NR'2. OR', CO2R', S(02)N(R^)2. N=CR'-N(R' )2, R^ 0P(O3)H2, 

10 or coNR^2; NR'2; 0CF3; CF3; NO2; CO2R' ; coNR'2; R^; or^; 

NR^2; SR^; C(0)R^; C(0)N(R')R^; C(0)0R^; SR' ; S{02)N(R')2; 
SCF3; N=CR'-N(R' )2; ORS- 0-C02R\' N(RMC(0)R'; 
N(R' )C(0)0R'; N(R' )C(0)C(0)R'; N (R' ) S {O2) r' ; N(RMR^; 
N(R')2; ORS- 0C(0)RS- 0P(0)3H2; K; or CN. 
15 Each R' is independently selected from 

hydrogen; (C1-C3) -alkyl; (C2-C3) -alkenyl or alkynyl; 
phenyl or phenyl substituted with 1 to 3 substituents 
independently selected from halo, methoxy, cyano, nitro, 
amino, hydroxy, methyl or ethyl; or a 5-6 membered 
20 heterocyclic ring system optionally substituted with 1 to 
3 substituents independently selected from halo, methoxy, 
cyano, nitro, amino, hydroxy, methyl or ethyl. 

Each R is independently selected from hydrogen, 

-R^ -N(R^)2/ -0R^ SR^ -C(0)-N(R^)2, -S (O2 ) -N (R') 2, 
25 -0(0) -OR^ or -C{0)R^ wherein two adjacent R are optionally 

bound to one another and, together with each Y to which 

they are respectively bound, form a 4-8 membered 

carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring. 

Each R^ is independently selected from 
30 hydrogen; or (C1-C3) -alkyl or (C1-C3) -alkenyl, each 

wo 02/14281 



optionally substituted with -N(R')2/ -OR', SR' , -0-C (O) 
N(R')2. -C(0)-N(R' )2, -S (02)-N(R' )2, -C(0)-OR', -NS02R\ 
NS02R^, -C(0)N(R' ) (R^) , -NC(0)R^ -N(R')(R^), -N(R')(R^), 
C(0)R^, -C(0)N(R' ) (R^) , -N(R^)2, -C(0)N=C(NH)2 or R^. 

5 Each R is independently selected from 5-8 

membered aromatic or non-aromatic carbocyclic or 
heterocyclic ring systems each optionally substituted 
with R', r\ -C(0)RS -C(0)r\ -C(0)0R^ or -K; or an 8-1 
membered bicyclic ring system comprising aromatic 

10 carbocyclic rings, aromatic heterocyclic rings or a 
combination of an aromatic carbocyclic ring and an 
aromatic heterocyclic ring each optionally substituted 
with R'^ , r\ -C(0)R', -C{0)r\ -C(0)OR^ or -K. 

Each R is independently selected from R'; (Ci 

15 C7) -straight or branched alkyl optionally substituted 

with RS N{R')2, OR^ , CO2R' , CON(R')2, S02N(R')2or 

S02N(R )2f or a 5-6 membered carbocyclic or heterocyclic 
ring system optionally substituted with N(R')2/ OR', 
CO2R' , C0N(R')2/ S02N(RM2or S02N(R^)2. 

2 0 Each R^ is independently selected from 

hydrogen, (C1-C3) -alkyl, or (C1-C3) -alkenyl; each 
optionally substituted with -N(R')2/ -OR', SR' , -C(0)- 
N(R')2/ -S (O2) -N(R' ) 2, -C(0)-OR', -N-S (O2 ) (R' ) , -NS02R^, - 
C(0)N(R' ) (R^) , -NC(0)R^ -N(R')(R^), -C(0)R^, - 

25 C{0)N=C(NH)2 or R^ . 

Each R is independently selected from 5-8 
membered aromatic or non-aromatic carbocyclic or 
heterocyclic ring systems each optionally substituted 
with R' , -C(0)R' or -C(0)OR'; or an 8-10 membered 

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bicyclic ring system comprising aromatic carbocyclic 
rings, aromatic heterocyclic rings or a combination of an 
aromatic carbocyclic ring and an aromatic heterocyclic 
ring each optionally substituted with R' , -C(0)R' or 
5 C (O) OR^ . 

R is selected from halogen, or a {C1-C3) 
straight chain or branched alkyl. 

Each Y is independently selected from N or C. 
If either Y is N, then R or U attached to Y is a lone 
10 pair of electrons. 

Z is CH, N, C(0CH3), C (CH3) , CCNHs), C (OH) or 

C(F) . 

Each U is independently selected from R or J. 
Each J is independently selected from a (C1-C4) 

15 straight chain or branched alkyl derivative substituted 
with T. 

Each T is independently selected from either 
0(V) or N(H) (V) . 

Each V is independently selected from 
20 C(0)N=C(R) (N(R)2)a wherein the two geminal R on the 

nitrogen are optionally bound to one another to form a 4- 
8 membered carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring. 

When the two R components form a ring, it will 
obvious to those skilled in the art that a terminal 
25 hydrogen from each unfused R component will be lost. For 
example, if a ring structure is .formed by binding those 
two R components together, one being -CH3 and the other 

being -CH2-CH3, one terminal hydrogen on each R component 
(indicated in bold) will be lost. Therefore, the 
30 resulting portion of the ring structure will have the 

formula -CH2-CH2-CH2- . 

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Each K is independently selected from a (C1-C4) 
straight chain or branched alkyl derivative substituted 
with D, or -0P(0) (OH) 2. 

Each D is independently selected from either 

5 enantiomer of 

Each M is independently selected from either O 

or NH. 

Each G is independently selected from NH2, OH^ 

or H . 

10 Each Re is independently selected from H, OH, 

C(0)OH, (C1-C7) -straight or branched alkyl optionally 

substituted with N(R')2, OR', CO2RS C0N(R')2^ or 

S02N(R )2f or a 5-6 membered carbocyclic^ heterocyclic or 
heteroaryl ring system optionally substituted with 

15 N(RM2/ ORS CO2R' , C0N(R')2/ or S02N(R^)2. When G forms a 
ring with Rs, it will be obvious to those skilled in the 
art that a terminal hydrogen from the unfused G and Rg 
component will be lost. For example, if a ring structure 
is formed by binding the G and Re components together, 

2 0 one being -NH2 and the other being -CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3, one 

terminal hydrogen on each R component (indicated in bold) 
will be lost. Therefore, the resulting portion of the 
ring structure will have the formula -NH-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2- . 

In another embodiment, the invention provides 

25 pharmaceutical compositions comprising the p3 8 and/or 

ZAP70 inhibitors of this invention. These compositions 
may be utilized in methods for treating or preventing a 
variety of p38-mediated disorders, such as cancer, 
inflammatory diseases, autoimmune diseases, destructive 

wo 02/14281 PCT/USOl/25015 


bone disorders, proliferative disorders, infectious 
diseases, viral diseases and neurodegenerative diseases 
or ZAP7 0-mediated disorders, including transplantation, 
autoimune disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis, graft 
5 versus host disease, and Kawasaki syndrome. These 

compositions are also useful in methods for preventing 
cell death and hyperplasia and therefore may be used to 
treat or prevent reperf usion/ischemia in stroke, heart 
attacks, and organ hypoxia. The compositions are also 
10 useful in methods for preventing thrombin-induced 

platelet aggregation. Each of these above-described 
methods is also part of the present invention . 



These compounds have the general formula 

(la) , 

(lb) , 


and (Id) , 

2 0 wher ein each of Qi and Q2 are independently selected from 
a phenyl or 5-6 membered aromatic heterocyclic ring 

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system, or a 8-10 membered bicyclic ring system 
comprising aromatic carbocyclic rings, aromatic 
heterocyclic rings or a combination of an aromatic 
carbocyclic ring and an aromatic heterocyclic ring. 
5 The rings that make up Qi are substituted with 

1 to 4 substituents, each of which is independently 
selected from halo; C1-C3 alkyl optionally substituted 
with -NR' 2a OR', CO2R' or CONR'2; O- (C1-C3) -alkyl 
optionally substituted with NR'2, OR', CO2R' or CONR'2; 

10 NR'2; OCF3; CF3; NO2; CO2R' ; CONR' ; SR' ; S(02)N(R')2; SCF3; 
CN; N(R')C(0)R*; N(R')C(0)OR^ N (R' ) C (O) C (O) R' ; 
N(R' ) S (02)R*; N(R')R'; N(R')2; or'; OC(0)rS- OP(0)3H2; or 
N=C-N(R' ) 2. 

The rings that make up Q2 are optionally 

15 substituted with up to 4 substituents, each of which is 
independently selected from halogen; C1-C3 straight or 
branched alkyl optionally substituted with R', NR'2/ OR', 
CO2R' / S{02)N(R')2, N=C-N(R')2/ R^ 0-P(03)H2, or CONR'2; O- 
(C1-C3) -alkyl; O- (C1-C3) -alkyl optionally substituted with 

20 NR'2/ OR', CO2R'/ S(02)N(R')2/ N=CR ' -N (R' ) 2, R^ 0P(O3)H2, 

or CONR' 2; NR'2; OCF3; CF3; NO2; CO2R' ; CONR'2; R^; OR^; 

Nr\; SR^; C(0)R^• C(0)N(R')R^; C(0)OR^• SR' ; S{02)N{R')2; 
SCF3; N=CR'-N{R' )2; 0R\- O-CO2R'; N(R')C(0)r\- 
N(R' )C(0)0R'; N(R' )C(0)C(0)R'; N (R' ) S (O2) R' ; N(R')R^• 
25 N(R^)2; ORS- OC(0)rS- 0P(0)3H2; K; or CN. 

Each R' is independently selected from 

hydrogen; (C1-C3) -alkyl; (C2-C3) -alkenyl or alkynyl; 
phenyl or phenyl substituted with 1 to 3 substituents 
independently selected from halo, methoxy, cyano, nitro, 
30 amino, hydroxy, methyl or ethyl; or a 5-6 membered 

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heterocyclic ring system optionally substituted with 1 to 
3 substituents independently selected from halo, methoxy, 
cyano, nitro, amino, hydroxy, methyl or ethyl. 

Each R is independently selected from hydrogen, 

5 -N(R^)2/ -0R^ SR^, -C{0)-N(r2)2. "S (O2) "N (R^) 2, 

-C(0)-OR^ or -C(0)R^ wherein two adjacent R are optionally 
bound to one another and, together with each Y to which 
they are respectively bound, form a 4-8 membered 
carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring. 
10 Each R^ is independently selected from 

hydrogen; or (C1-C3) -alkyl or (C1-C3) -alkenyl, each 
optionally substituted with -N(RM2. -OR', SR' , -O-C(O)" 
N(R')2/ -C(0)-N{R' )2/ -S (02)-N(R' )2, -C (O) -OR' , -NS02R\ - 
NS02R^, -C(0)N(R') (R^) . -NC{0)r\ -N(R')(R^), -N(R')(R^)r - 
15 C(0)R^, -C(0)N(R' ) (R^) , -N(R^)2/ -C(0)N=C(NH)2 or R . 

Each R^ is independently selected from 5-8 
membered aromatic or non-aromatic carbocyclic or 
heterocyclic ring systems each optionally substituted 
with R' , R^ -C(0)R', -C(0)r\ -C (O) OR^ or -K; or an 8-10 
20 membered bicyclic ring system comprising aromatic 

carbocyclic rings, aromatic heterocyclic rings or a 
combination of an aromatic carbocyclic ring and an 
aromatic heterocyclic ring each optionally substituted 
with R^, R^, -C{0)R', -C(0)R^, -C{0)OR^ or -K. 
25 Each R^ is independently selected from R' ; (Ci- 

C7) -straight or branched alkyl optionally substituted 
withR', N(R')2, OR', CO2R' / C0N(R')2, S02N(R')2or 
S02N(R^)2; or a 5-6 membered carbocyclic or heterocyclic 
ring system optionally substituted with N(R')2/ OR', 
30 CO2R' f CON(R')2/ S02N(R')2or S02N(R^)2. 

wo 02/14281 




Each R is independently selected from 
hydrogen, (C1-C3) -alkyl, or (C1-C3) -alkenyl; each 
optionally substituted with -N(R')2^ -OR', SR' , -C(0)- 
N{R')2/ -S (O2) -N(R' )2, -C(0)-OR', -N-S (O2) (R' ) , -NSOsR^, - 
5 C (O)N(R' ) (R^) , -NC(0)R', -N(R')(R^), -C(0)R^, - 
C(0)N=C(NH)2 or R^ . 

Each R is independently selected from 5-8 
membered aromatic or non-aromatic carbocyclic or 
heterocyclic ring systems each optionally substituted 

10 with R' , -C(0)R' or -C(0)OR'; or an 8-10 membered 

bicyclic ring system comprising aromatic carbocyclic 
rings, aromatic heterocyclic rings or a combination of an 
aromatic carbocyclic ring and an aromatic heterocyclic 
ring each optionally substituted with R' , -C(0)R^ or 

15 C(O)0R'. 


R is selected from H, halogen, or a (C1-C3) 
straight chain or branched alkyl. 

Each Y is independently selected from N or C. 
If either Y is N, then R or U attached to Y is a lone 
20 pair of electrons. 

Z is CH, N, C(OCH3), C (CH3) , C{NH2), C{OH) or 

C(F) . 

Each U is independently selected from R or J, 
Each J is independently selected from a (C1-C4) 

25 straight chain or branched alkyl derivative substituted 
with T. 

Each T is independently selected from either 
0(V) or N(H) (V) , 

Each V is independently selected from 
30 C(0)N=C(R) (N(R)2), wherein the two geminal R on the 

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nitrogen are optionally bound to one another to form a 4- 
8 membered carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring. 

When the two R components form a ring, it will 
obvious to those skilled in the art that a terminal 
5 hydrogen from each unfused R component will be lost. For 
example, if a ring structure is formed by binding those 
two R components together, one being -CH3 and the other 
being -CH2-CH3, one terminal hydrogen on each R component 
(indicated in bold) will be lost. Therefore, the 
10 resulting portion of the ring structure will have the 

formula -^2-^2-0112-. 

Each K is independently selected from a (Ca-C4) 

straight chain or branched alkyl derivative substituted 

with D, or -0P(0) (0H)2- 
15 Each D is independently selected from either 

enantiomer of 

Each M is independently selected from either O 

or NH. 

Each G is independently selected from NH2/ OH, 

20 or H. 

Each Re is independently selected from H, OH, 
C(0)OH, (C1-C7) -straight or branched alkyl optionally 
substituted with N{R' ) 2. ORS CO2R' . C0N(R')2/ or 
S02N{R^)2; or a 5-6 membered carbocyclic, heterocyclic or 
25 heteroaryl ring system optionally substituted with 

N(R')2/ OR', CO2RS C0N(R')2. or S02N(R^)2- When G forms a 
ring with Rs. it will be obvious to those skilled in the 
art that a terminal hydrogen from the unfused G and Rq 
component will be lost. For example, if a ring structure 

wo 02/14281 



is formed by binding the G and Rs components together, 
one being -NH2 and the other being -CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3, one 
terminal hydrogen on each R component (indicated in bold) 
will be lost. Therefore, the resulting portion of the 
5 ring structure will have the formula -NH-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2- • 

A heterocyclic ring system or a heterocyclic 
ring contains 1 to 4 heteroatoms, which are independently 
selected from O, and S. A substitutable nitrogen on 
an aromatic or non-aromatic heterocyclic ring may be 

10 optionally substituted. N or S may also exist in 
oxidized form such as NO, SO and SO2 - 

One having ordinary skill in the art will 
recognize that the maximum number of heteroatoms in a 
stable, chemically feasible heterocyclic ring, whether it 

15 is aromatic or non-aromatic, is determined by the size of 
the ring, degree of unsaturation, and valence of the 
heteroatoms. In general, a heterocyclic ring may have 
one to four heteroatoms so long as the heterocyclic ring 
is chemically feasible and stable. 

2 0 The term ''chemically stable arrangement" or 

''chemically feasible and stable'' as used herein, refers 
to a compound structure that renders the compound 
sufficiently stable to allow manufacture and 
administration to a mammal by methods known in the art, 

25 Typically, such compounds are stable at a temperature of 
40°C or less, in the absence of moisture or other 
chemically reactive conditions, for at least a week. 

According to a preferred embodiment, Qi 
is selected from phenyl or pyridyl containing 1 to 3 

30 substituents, wherein at least one of said substituents 

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is in the ortho position and said substituents are 
independently selected from chloro, fluoro^^ bromo;. -CH3, 

-OCH3, -OH, -CF3, -OCF3, -0(CH2)2CH3/ NH2, 3,4- 
methylenedioxy, -NCCHs) 2, -NH-S (O) 2-phenyl, ~NH-C (O) O-CH2- 
5 4-pyridine, -NH-C (O) CHa-morpholine, -NH-C (O) CH2-N (CH3) z, 
-NH-C (O) CH2-piperazine, -NH-C (O) CHg-pyrrolidine, 
-NH-C (O) C (O) -morpholine, -NH-C (O) C (O) -piperazine, 
-NH-C (O) C (O) -pyrrolidine, -0-C (O) CH2-N(CH3) 2/ or 

10 Even more preferred are phenyl or pyridyl 

containing at least 2 of the above-indicated substituents 
both being in the ortho position. 

Some specific examples of preferred Qi are: 


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HaC^-r^CHa HaC^V^CHa HaC^-T^CH 

00 Ha 



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5 Most preferably, Qi is selected from 2-fluoro- 

6-trif luoromethylphenyl, 2, 6-dif luorophenyl, 2, 6- 
dichlorophenyl , 2-chloro-4-hydroxyphenyl , 2-chioro-4- 
arainophenyl , 2, 6-dichloro-4-am.inophenyl, 2, 6-dichloro-3- 
aminophenyl, 2, 6-dimethyl-4-hydroxyphenyl, 2-methoxy"-3, 5- 
10 dichloro-4-pyridyl, 2-chloro-4,5 methylenedioxy phenyl, 
or 2-chloro-4~ (N-2-morpholino-acetamido) phenyl . 

According to a preferred embodiment, Q2 is 
phenyl, pyridyl or naphthyl containing 0 to 3 

wo 02/14281 



substituents, wherein each substituent is independently 
selected from chloro, fluoro, bromo, methyl, ethyl, 
isopropyl, -OCH3, -OH, -NH2, -CF3, -OCF3, -SCH3, -OCH3, 
-C(0)OH, -C(0)0CH3, -CH2NH2, -N(CH3)2, -CHz-pyrrolidine and 
5 -CH2OH. 

Some specific examples of preferred Q2 are: 

wo 02/14281 




wo 02/14281 






NH "-NH 







unsubstituted 2-pyridyl or unsubstituted phenyl . 

Most preferred are compounds wherein Q2 is 
selected from phenyl, 2-isopropylphenyl, 3,4- 
dimethylphenyl, 2-ethylphenyl, 3-f luorophenyl , 2- 
methylphenyl, 3-chloro-4-f luorophenyl, 3-chlorophenyl, 
carbomethoxylphenyl, 2-carboxyphenyl, 2-methyl-4- 


wo 02/14281 



chlorophenyl;. 2-broinophenyl;. 2-pyridyl, 2- 
methylenehydroxyphenyl, 4-f luorophenyl, 2-methyl-4- 
fluorophenyl, 2-chloro-4-f luorphenyl, 2, 4-dif luorophenyl, 
2 -hydroxy- 4 - f luorphenyl ^ 2 -me thy 1 enehydr oxy- 4 - 
5 fluorophenyl, 1-naphthyl, 3-chloro-2-methylenehydroxy, 3- 
chloro-2-iaethyl, or 4-f luoro-2-inethyl . 

According to another preferred embodiment, R*^ 
is a halogen. In a more preferred embodiment, r'^ is CI. 

According to another preferred embodiment, each 

10 Y is C. 

According an even more preferred embodiment, 
each Y is C and the R and U attached to each Y component 
is hydrogen. 

Some specific examples of preferred J are: 

, and 

According to another preferred embodiment, K is 
a 0-4 atom chain terminating in an ester. 
20 According to another preferred embodiment, M is 


Some specific examples of preferred K are: 

wo 02/14281 



5 More preferably, K is selected from: 

O O 

wo 02/14281 



Some preferred embodiments are provided in 
Tables 1 to 3 below: 

Table 1 








NH2 N 







H2N NH2 



F I 
NH2 N 








wo 02/14281 



Table 1 ( cont . ) 







M N 




F [ F 
NH2 N 











F y "F 

.N N 










wo 02/14281 

111*1., fiutjj .'itrpnt 




Table 2 . 





F T F 

NH2 N 






NH2 N 






F I 
NH2 N 








NH2 N 






F J F 
NH2 N 




wo 02/14281 



Table 3. 





























F 1^ 


o ^O 








NH2 N 

HOaa, NH 



wo 02/14281 



Particularly preferred embodiments include: 


10 Particularly preferred embodiments also 

include : 

wo 02/14281 PCT/USOl/25015 


Other particnlarly preferred embodiments 

include : 

Other particularly preferred embodiments 

include : 



10 wherein X 



wo 02/14281 



Other particularly preferred embodiments 




wherein X = 





Other particularly preferred embodiments 

10 include: 



wherein X is N(CH3)2/ 


N NWle 


wo 02/14281 



Other particularly preferred embodiments 

include : 

5 wherein Y = Me or H; and X = (CH2)3/ CH2C (CH3) 2CH2, 
CH2N (Me) C (O) CH2. 

wo 02/14281 



According to another embodiment, the present 
invention provides methods of producing the above- 
identified compounds of the formulae (la), (lb), (Ic) or 
(Id) . Representative synthesis schemes are depicted 
5 below. In all schemes, the LI and L2 groups on the 

initial materials are meant to represent leaving groups 
ortho to the nitrogen atom in a heterocyclic ring. For 
example, compound A may be 2, 6-dichloro-3 nitro pyridine. 

Scheme 1 


One having skill in the art will recognize 
Scheme 1 may be used to synthesize compounds having the 
15 general formula of (la), (lb), (Ic) and (Id). 

According to another embodiment of the 
invention, the activity of the p38 inhibitors of this 
invention may be assayed in vitro ^ in vivo or in a cell 
20 line. In vitro assays include assays that determine 
inhibition of either the kinase activity or ATPase 
activity of activated p38. Alternate in vitro assays 

wo 02/14281 



quantitate the ability of the inhibitor to bind to p38 
and may be measured either by radiolabelling the 
inhibitor prior to binding, isolating the inhibitor/p38 
complex and determining the amount of radiolabel bound, 
5 or by running a competition experiment where new 
inhibitors are incubated with p38 bound to known 
radioligands . 

Cell culture assays of the inhibitory effect of 
the compounds of this invention may determine the amounts 

10 of TNF, IL-1, IL-6 or IL-8 produced in whole blood or 

cell fractions thereof in cells treated with inhibitor as 
compared to cells treated with negative controls. Level 
of these cytokines may be determined through the use of 
commercially available ELISAs. 

15 An in vivo assay useful for determining the 

inhibitory activity of the p38 inhibitors of this 
invention are the suppression of hind paw edema in rats 
with Mycobacterium butyrl cum- Indiuced adjuvant arthritis. 
This is described in J.C. Boehm et al . , J. Med. Chem. , 

20 39, pp. 3929-37 (1996), the disclosure of which is herein 
incorporated by reference. The p38 inhibitors of this 
invention may also be assayed in animal models of 
arthritis, bone resorption, endotoxin shock and immune 
function, as described in A. M. Badger et al . , J. 

25 Pharmacol. Experimental Therapeutics, 279, pp. 1453-61 

(1996) , the disclosure of which is herein incorporated by 
reference . 

The p38 inhibitors or pharmaceutical salts 
thereof may be formulated into pharmaceutical 
30 compositions for administration to animals or humans. 
These pharmaceutical compositions, which comprise an 
amount of p38 inhibitor effective to treat or prevent a 

wo 02/14281 



p38-mediated condition and a pharmaceutically acceptable 
carrier, are another embodiment of the present invention. 

The term ^^pSS-mediated condition", as used 
herein means any disease or other deleterious condition 
5 in which p38 is known to play a role. This includes 

conditions known to be caused by IL-1, TNF, IL-6 or IL-8 
overproduction. Such conditions include, without 
limitation, inflammatory diseases, autoimmune diseases, 
destructive bone disorders, proliferative disorders, 

10 infectious diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, 

allergies, reperfusion/ischemia in stroke, heart attacks, 
angiogenic disorders, organ hypoxia, vascular 
hyperplasia, cardiac hypertrophy, thrombin-induced 
platelet aggregation, and conditions associated with 

15 prostaglandin endoperoxidase synthase-2. 

Inflammatory diseases which may be treated or 
prevented by the compounds of this invention include, but 
are not limited to, acute pancreatitis, chronic 
pancreatitis, asthma, allergies, and adult respiratory 

2 0 distress syndrome. 

Autoimmune diseases which may be treated or 
prevented by the compounds of this invention include, but 
are not limited to, glomerulonephritis, rheumatoid 
arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, 

25 chronic thyroiditis. Graves' disease, autoimmune 
gastritis, diabetes, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, 
autoimmune neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, atopic 
dermatitis, chronic active hepatitis, myasthenia gravis, 
multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, 

30 ulcerative colitis, Crohn^ s disease, psoriasis, or graft 
vs. host disease. 

wo 02/14281 



Destructive bone disorders which may be treated 
or prevented by the compounds of this invention include, 
but are not limited to, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and 
multiple myeloma-related bone disorder. 
5 Proliferative diseases which may be treated or 

prevented by the compounds of this invention include, but 
are not limited to, acute myelogenous leukemia, chronic 
myelogenous leukemia, metastatic melanoma, Kaposi's 
sarcoma, and multiple myeloma. 
10 Angiogenic disorders which may be treated or 

prevented by the compounds of this invention include 
solid tumors, ocular neovasculization, infantile 
haemangiomas . 

Infectious diseases which may be treated or 
15 prevented by the compounds of this invention include, but 
are not limited to, sepsis, septic shock, and 
Shigellosis . 

Viral diseases which may be treated or 
prevented by the compounds of this invention include, but 
20 are not limited to, acute hepatitis infection (including 
hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C) , HIV infection 
and CMV retinitis. 

Neurodegenerative diseases which may be treated 
or prevented by the compounds of this invention include, 
25 but are not limited to, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's 
disease, cerebral ischemias or neurodegenerative disease 
caused by traumatic injury. 

^^p38-mediated conditions" also include 
ischemia/reperfusion in stroke, heart attacks, myocardial 
30 ischemia, organ hypoxia, vascular hyperplasia, cardiac 
hypertrophy, and thrombin- induced platelet aggregation. 

wo 02/14281 



In addition, p38 inhibitors of the instant 
invention are also capable of inhibiting the expression 
of inducible pro-inflammatory proteins such as 
prostaglandin endoperoxide sYnthase-2 (PGHS-2), also 
5 referred to as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) . Therefore, other 
^^p38-mediated conditions" which may be treated by the 
compounds of this invention include edema, analgesia, 
fever and pain, such as neuromuscular pain, headache, 
cancer pain, dental pain and arthritis pain. 

10 The diseases that may be treated or prevented 

by the p38 inhibitors of this invention may also be 
conveniently grouped by the cytokine (IL~1, TNF, IL-6, 
IL-8) that is believed to be responsible for the disease. 

Thus, an IL-l-mediated disease or condition 

15 includes rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, stroke, 
endotoxemia and/or toxic shock syndrome, inflammatory 
reaction induced by endotoxin, inflammatory bowel 
disease, tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, muscle 
degeneration, cachexia, psoriatic arthritis, Reiter's 

20 syndrome, gout, traumatic arthritis, rubella arthritis, 
acute synovitis, diabetes, pancreatic B-cell disease and 
Alzheimer' s disease . 

TNF-mediated disease or condition includes, 
rhetimatoid arthritis, rheumatoid spondylitis, 

25 osteoarthritis, gouty arthritis and other arthritic 

conditions, sepsis, septic shock, endotoxic shock, gram 
negative sepsis, toxic shock syndrome, adult respiratory 
distress syndrome, cerebral malaria, chronic pulmonary 
inflammatory disease, silicosis, pulmonary sarcoidosis, 

30 bone resorption diseases, reperfusion injury, graft vs. 
host reaction, allograft rejections, fever and myalgias 
due to infection, cachexia secondary to infection, AIDS, 

wo 02/14281 



ARC or malignancy, keloid formation, scar tissue 
formation, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis or 
pyresis. TNF-mediated diseases also include viral 
infections, such as HIV, CMV, influenza and herpes; and 
5 veterinary viral infections, such as lentivirus 
infections, including, but not limited to equine 
infectious anemia virus, caprine arthritis virus, visna 
virus or maedi virus; or retrovirus infections, including 
feline immunodeficiency virus, bovine immunodeficiency 

10 virus, or canine immunodeficiency virus, 

IL-8 mediated disease or condition includes 
diseases characterized by massive neutrophil 
infiltration, such as psoriasis, inflammatory bowel 
disease, asthma, cardiac and renal reperfusion injury, 

15 adult respiratory distress syndrome, thrombosis and 
glomerulonephritis . 

In addition, the compounds of this invention 
may be used topically to treat or prevent conditions 
caused or exacerbated by IL-1 or TNF. Such conditions 

20 include inflamed joints, eczema, psoriasis, inflammatory 
skin conditions such as sunburn, inflammatory eye 
conditions such as conjunctivitis, pyresis, pain and 
other conditions associated with inflammation. 

According to another embodiment, the compounds 

25 of this invention may be used to treat ZAP7 0-mediated 

conditions including, without limitation, organ or tissue 
rejection associated with transplantation, autoimune 
disease, e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus 
erythematosus (SLE) , psoriasis, Sjogren^s Syndrome, 

30 thyroiditis, pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiolitis 
obliterans, hemolytic anemia and Wegener ^s 
granulomatosis, cancer, including leukemia and lymphoma. 

wo 02/14281 



multiple sclerosis, graft versus host disease, and 

Kawasaki syndrome . 

The ZAP7 0 inhibitors or pharmaceutical salts 
thereof may be formulated into pharmaceutical 
5 compositions for administration to animals or humans. 
These pharmaceutical compositions, which comprise an 
amount of ZAP70 inhibitor effective to treat or prevent a 
ZAP7 0-mediated condition and a pharmaceutically 
acceptable carrier, are another embodiment of the present 
10 invention. 

In addition to the compounds of this invention, 
pharmaceutically acceptable salts of the compounds of 
this invention may also be employed in compositions to 
treat or prevent the above-identified disorders. 

15 Pharmaceutically acceptable salts of the 

compounds of this invention include those derived from 
pharmaceutically acceptable inorganic and organic acids 
and bases. Examples of suitable acid salts include 
acetate, adipate, alginate, aspartate, benzoate, 

20 benzenesulfonate, bisulfate, butyrate, citrate, 

camphorate, camphorsulf onate, cyclopentanepropionate, 
digluconate, dodecylsulf ate, ethanesulf onate, formate, 
fumarate, glucoheptanoate, glycerophosphate, glycolate, 
hemisulfate, heptanoate, hexanoate, hydrochloride, 

2 5 hydrobromide , hydroiodide , 2-hydroxyethane sul f onate , 
lactate, maleate, malonate, methanesulf onate, 2- 
naphthalenesulf onate, nicotinate, nitrate, oxalate, 
palmoate, pectinate, persulfate, 3-phenylpropionate, 
phosphate, picrate, pivalate, propionate, salicylate, 

30 succinate, sulfate, tartrate, thiocyanate, tosylate and 
undecanoate. Other acids, such as oxalic, while not in 
themselves pharmaceutically acceptable, may be employed 

wo 02/14281 



in the preparation of salts useful as intermediates in 
obtaining the compounds of the invention and their 
pharmaceutically acceptable acid addition salts. 
Salts derived from appropriate bases include alkali metal 
5 (e.g., sodium and potassi\im) , alkaline earth metal (e.g., 
magnesium), ammonium and N~(Cl-4 alkyl)4+ salts. This 
invention also envisions the quaternization of any basic 
nitrogen-containing groups of the compounds disclosed 
herein. Water or oil-soluble or dispersible products may 

10 be obtained by such quaternization. 

Pharmaceutically acceptable carriers that may 
be used in these pharmaceutical compositions include, but 
are not limited to, ion exchangers, alumina, aluminum 
stearate, lecithin, serum proteins, such as human serum 

15 albumin, buffer substances such as phosphates, glycine, 
sorbic acid, potassium sorbate, partial glyceride 
mixtures of saturated vegetable fatty acids, water, salts 
or electrolytes, such as protamine sulfate, disodium 
hydrogen phosphate, potassium hydrogen phosphate, sodium 

20 chloride, zinc salts, colloidal silica, magnesium 

tri silicate, polyvinyl pyrrol idone, cellulose-based 
substances, polyethylene glycol, sodium 
carboxymethyl cellulose, polyacrylates , waxes, 
polyethylene-polyoxypropylene-block polymers , 

25 polyethylene glycol and wool fat. 

The compositions of the present invention may 
be administered orally, parenterally, by inhalation 
spray, topically, rectally, nasally, buccally, vaginally 
or via an implanted reservoir. The term "parenteral" as 

3 0 used herein includes subcutaneous, intravenous, 
intramuscular, intra-articular, intra-synovial, 
intr asternal, intrathecal, intrahepatic, intralesional 

wo 02/14281 



and intracranial injection or infusion techniques. 
Preferably, the compositions are administered orally, 
intraperitoneally or intravenously. 

Sterile injectable forms of the compositions of 
5 this invention may be aqueous or oleaginous suspension. 
These suspensions may be formulated according to 
techniques known in the art using suitable dispersing or 
wetting agents and suspending agents. The sterile 
injectable preparation may also be a sterile injectable 

10 solution or suspension in a non-toxic parenterally- 

acceptable diluent or solvent, for example as a solution 
in 1, 3-butanediol. Among the acceptable vehicles and 
solvents that may be employed are water. Ringer's 
solution and isotonic sodiiim chloride solution. In 

15 addition, sterile, fixed oils are conventionally employed 
as a solvent or suspending medium. For this purpose, any 
bland fixed oil may be employed including synthetic mono- 
or di-glycerides . Fatty acids, such as oleic acid and 
its glyceride derivatives are useful in the preparation 

2 0 of injectables, as are natural pharmaceutically- 

acceptable oils, such as olive oil or castor oil, 
especially in their polyoxyethylated versions. These oil 
solutions or suspensions may also contain a long-chain 
alcohol diluent or dispersant, such as carboxymethyl 
25 cellulose or similar dispersing agents which are commonly 
used in the formulation of pharmaceutically acceptable 
dosage forms including emulsions and suspensions. Other 
commonly used surfactants, such as Tweens, Spans and 
other emulsifying agents or bioavailability enhancers 

3 0 which are commonly used in the manufacture of 

pharmaceutically acceptable solid, liquid, or other 

wo 02/14281 



dosage forms may also be used for the purposes of 

The pharmaceutical compositions of this 
invention may be orally administered in any orally 
5 acceptable dosage form including, but not limited to, 

capsules, tablets, aqueous suspensions or solutions- In 
the case of tablets for oral use, carriers commonly used 
include lactose and corn starch. Lubricating agents, 
such as magnesium stearate, are also typically added. 
10 For oral acSministration in a capsule form, useful 

diluents include lactose and dried cornstarch. When 
aqueous suspensions are required for oral use, the active 
ingredient is combined with emulsifying and suspending 
agents. If desired, certain sweetening, flavoring or 
15 coloring agents may also be added. 

Alternatively, the pharmaceutical compositions 
of this invention may be administered in the form of 
suppositories for rectal administration. These can be 
prepared by mixing the agent with a suitable non- 
20 irritating excipient which is solid at room temperature 
but liquid at rectal temperature and therefore will melt 
in the rectum to release the drug. Such materials 
include cocoa butter, beeswax and polyethylene glycols. 

The pharmaceutical compositions of this 
25 invention may also be administered topically, especially 
when the target of treatment includes areas or organs 
readily accessible by topical application, including 
diseases of the eye, the skin, or the lower intestinal 
tract. Suitable topical formulations are readily 
30 prepared for each of these areas or organs . 

Topical application for the lower intestinal 
tract can be effected in a rectal suppository formulation 

wo 02/14281 



(see above) or in a suitable enema formulation. 
Topically-transdermal patches may also be used. 

For topical applications, the pharmaceutical 
compositions may be formulated in a suitable ointment 
5 containing the active component suspended or dissolved in 
one or more carriers. Carriers for topical 
administration of the compounds of this invention 
include, but are not limited to, mineral oil, liquid 
petrolatum, white petrolatum, propylene glycol, 
10 polyoxyethylene, polyoxypropylene compound, emulsifying 
wax and water. Alternatively, the pharmaceutical 
compositions can be formulated in a suitable lotion or 
cream containing the active components suspended or 
dissolved in one or more pharmaceutically acceptable 
15 carriers. Suitable carriers include, but are not limited 
to, mineral oil, sorbitan monostearate, polysorbate 60, 
cetyl esters wax, cetearyl alcohol, 2-octyldodecanol, 
benzyl alcohol and water. 

For ophthalmic use, the pharmaceutical 
20 compositions may be formulated as micronized suspensions 
in isotonic, pH adjusted sterile saline, or, preferably, 
as solutions in isotonic, pH adjusted sterile saline, 
either with or without a preservative such as 
benzylalkonium chloride. Alternatively, for ophthalmic 
25 uses; the pharmaceutical compositions may be formulated 
in an ointment such as petrolatum. 

The pharmaceutical compositions of this 
invention may also be administered by nasal aerosol or 
inhalation. Such compositions are prepared according to 
30 techniques well-known in the art of pharmaceutical 

formulation and may be prepared as solutions in saline, 
employing benzyl alcohol or other suitable preservatives. 

wo 02/14281 



absorption promoters to enhance bioavailability, 

f luorocarbons, and/or other conventional solubilizing or 

dispersing agents . 

The amount of p38 or ZAP70 inhibitor that may 
5 be combined with the carrier materials to produce a 
single dosage form will vary depending upon the host 
treated and the particular mode of administration. 
Preferably, the compositions should be formulated so that 
a dosage of between 0.01 - 100 mg/kg body weight/day of 

10 the inhibitor can be administered to a patient receiving 
these compositions . 

It should also be understood that a specific 
dosage and treatment regimen for any particular patient 
will depend upon a variety of factors, including the 

15 activity of the specific compound employed, the age, body 
weight, general health, sex, diet, time of 
administration, rate of excretion, drug combination, and 
the judgment of the treating physician and the severity 
of the particular disease being treated. The amount of 

2 0 inhibitor will also depend upon the particular compound 
in the composition. 

According to another embodiment, the invention 
provides methods for treating or preventing a p38- 
mediated condition comprising the step of administering 

25 to a patient one of the above-described pharmaceutical 

compositions. The term ^""patienf , as used herein, means 
an animal, preferably a human. 

Preferably, that method is used to treat or 
prevent a condition selected from inflammatory diseases, 

30 autoimmune diseases, destructive bone disorders, 
proliferative disorders, infectious diseases, 
degenerative diseases, allergies, reperf usion/ischemia in 

wo 02/14281 



stroke, heart attacks, angiogenic disorders, organ 
hypoxia, vascular hyperplasia, cardiac hypertrophy, and 
thrombin-induced platelet aggregation. 

According to another embodiment, the inhibitors 
5 of this invention are used to treat or prevent an IL-1, 
IL-6, IL-8 or TNF-mediated disease or condition. Such 
conditions are described above. 

Depending upon the particular p3 8-inediated 
condition to be treated or prevented, additional drugs, 

10 which are normally administered to treat or prevent that 
condition, may be administered together with the 
inhibitors of this invention. For example, 
chemotherapeutic agents or other anti-prolif erative 
agents may be combined with the p38 inhibitors of this 

15 invention to treat proliferative diseases. 

Those additional agents may be administered 
separately, as part of a multiple dosage regimen, from 
the p38 inhibitor-containing composition. Alternatively, 
those agents may be part of a single dosage form, mixed 

20 together with the p38 inhibitor in a single composition. 

According to another embodiment, the invention 
provides methods for treating or preventing a ZAP7 0- 
mediated condition comprising the step of administering 
to a patient one of the above-described pharmaceutical 

25 compositions. 

In order that the invention described herein 
may be more fully understood, the following examples are 
set forth. It should be understood that these examples 
are for illustrative purposes only and are not. to be 

30 construed as limiting this invention in any manner. 

wo 02/14281 




Synthesis of p38 Inhibitor Compound 7 



To a solution of LDA (60itimol, 40inLs) at -78° C, 
was added dropwise a solution of 2 , 6-dibromopyridine 
(40iniriol, 9.48gms) in THE (30mLs, dried). The mixture was 
stirred at -78° C for 20 minutes. Ethyl formate (400mmol, 

10 32.3mLs) was added and stirring was continued at -78° C 
for 2 hours. Saturated ammonium chloride (200mLs) was 
added and the mixture was warmed to room temperature . 
The reaction mixture was diluted with ethyl acetate and 
the organic layer was washed with aqueous acid and base. 

15 The organic layer was dried and evaporated in vacuo. The 
resulting material was purified by flash chromatography 
on silica gel followed by eluting with 10% ethyl acetate 
in n-hexane to afford 1 (32mmol, 8.41gms) as a white 

20 12 

A solution of 1 (77 6 mmol, 2 05.6 gms) and 
triethyl orthoformate (200 mL) dissolved in ethanol (750 
mL) was refluxed overnight. The reaction mixture was 

wo 02/14281 



cooled, and evaporated in vacuo. The remaining red oil 
was dissolved in hexane and filtered over a plug of 
silica gel. The plug was eluted with 50% CHsCls/hexane . 
The filtrate was evaporated to afford 2 as an oil. 

5 2 3 

To a suspension of 60% NaH (130 imnol, 5.20 g) 
and 2 (61.2 mmol, 20.76 g) in THF (100 mL) at reflux was 
added dropwise a solution of 2 , 6-dif luoroaniline (61.3 

10 mmol, 20 g) in THF (100 mL) . After the aniline had been 
added, Pd(PPh3)4 (100 mg) was added. The mixture was 
refluxed for one hour and cooled. Hydrochloric acid (IN, 
100 mL) was added and stirring was continued for one 
hour. The reaction mixture was extracted with CH2CI2. 

15 The organic extract was dried and evaporated In vacuo. 

The resulting material was dissolved in a minimal amount 
of CH2CI2 and hexane was added. The solution was cooled 
precipitating 3 as a yellow solid. 

wo 02/14281 



p-f luorophenylboronic acid (57.5 mmol, 8.05 g) , 
and 3 (45.9 mmol, 14,70 g) were dissolved in a 
5 dimethoxyethane (300 mL) . Cesium fluoride (68.6 mmol/ 
10.42 g) and tetrakis (triphenylphosphine) palladium (0) 
(100 mgs) were added to the solution and the suspension 
was allowed to reflux overnight. The reaction mixture 
was poured into water and extracted with CH2CI2- The 
10 organic extract was washed with IN NaOH^ dried with MgSOo 
and filtered over a plug of silica gel. The plug was 
eluted with CH2CI2 and the filtrate was evaporated in 
vacuo. The resulting yellow solid was triturated with 
50% CH2Cl2/hexane to afford 4 (9.50g, 62%) as a yellow 
15 solid. 


A solution of 4 (70.1 mmol, 23.01 g) in toluene 
(250 mL) was combined with a 20% solution of phosgene in 
toluene (151 mmol, 80 mL) and heated to reflux for two 

wo 02/14281 



hours. The reaction was cooled and poured into ammonium 
hydroxide. The mixture was stirred for five minutes and 
extracted with methylene chloride. The organic extract 
was dried and filtered over a plug of silica gel. The 
5 plug was eluted with methylene chloride to remove 

residual starting material. It was then eluted with 50% 
ethyl acetate/methylene chloride to obtain 5. The 
filtrate was evaporated in vacuo to afford 5 (21.38 g, 
86%) as a white solid. 

10 5 6 

Sodium borohydride (36.5 mmol, 1.38 g) was 
added to a solution of 5 (60.0 mmol, 21.38 g) in THF (100 
mL) and the solution was stirred for one hour at 0°C and 
th en two hours at room temperature . The reaction was 

15 poured into IN HCl and extracted with methylene chloride. 
The organic extract was dried and filtered over a plug of 
silica gel. The plug was eluted with 5% ethyl 
acetate/methylene chloride to remove residual starting 
material. It was then eluted with ethyl acetate to 

20 obtain 6, The filtrate was evaporated to afford 6 as a 
white solid. 

The spectral data for compound 6 was : 

NMR (500 MHz, CDCI3) 5 7.90 (d, IH) , 7.60 (d, 2H) , 7.5- 
7.3 (m, 5H) , 6.30 (d, 2H) , 4.5 (s, 2H) , 2.3 (s, 2H) . 


wo 02/14281 



A solution of 6 (2.79 mmol, 1.00 g) and p- 
nitrophenyl chlorof ormate (5.56 itimol, 1.12 g) was cooled 
5 to 0°C. Triethylamine (14.3 mmol, 2.0 mL) was added and 
the solution was stirred for 15 minutes and poured into 
ammonium hydroxide. The solution mixture was poured into 
water and extracted with methylene chloride. The organic 
extract was washed with saturated aqueous sodium 
10 bicarbonate, dried, and evaporated in vacuo to afford 7 
(730 mg, 65%) as a white solid. 


Synthesis of p38 Inhibitor Prodrugs 9 and 10 


A mixture of 8 (1.0 g, 2.30 mmol) and N,N- 
dimethylf ormamide dimethyl acetal (1.01 g, 6.91 mmol) in 
20 10 mL of toluene was heated to 80°C for 20 minutes. The 

wo 02/14281 



resulting solution was cooled to room temperature. 
Normal workup followed by chromatography on silica gel 
(hexane/EtOAc: 10/4) gave amidine 9 (compound 101 of 
Table 1) as a white solid. The spectral data for 
5 compound 9 was: NMR (500 MHz, CDCI3) 6 8.3 (s, IH) , 7.7 

(d, IH), 7.5-7.4 (m, IH) , 7.1-7.0 (m, IH) , 6.95-6.85 (t, 
2H) , 6.85-6.75 (m, IH) , 6.45-6.4 (d, IH) , 6.2 (s, IH) , 
4.95 (s, 2H) , 3.05 (s, 3H) , 2.95 (s, 3H) . 

dimethyl formamide dimethyl acetal (3.3 g, 22.4 mmol) in 
10 mL of toluene was heated to 80°C for 90 minutes. The 
resulting solution was cooled to room temperature. 

15 Normal workup followed by chromatography on silica gel 

(hexane/EtOAc: 2/1) gave bis-amidine 10 (compound 107 of 
Table 1) as a white solid. The spectral data for 
compound 10 was: ^H NMR (500 MHz, CDCI3) 5 8.4 (s, IH) , 
8.3 (s, IH), 8.05-7.95 (s, IH) , 7-15-7.05 (m, 2H) , 6.85- 

20 6.75 (t, 2H) , 6.75-6.65 (m, 4H) , 4.95 (s, 2H) , 3.0-2.95 
(d, 9H) , 2.65 (s, 3H) . 


8 10 

A mixture of 8 (1.0 g, 2.30 mmol) and N,N- 

wo 02/14281 



Synthesis of p38 Inhibitor Prodrug 13 

6 11 


To a mixture of 6 (1.2 5gia, 3.35mmol) and 4- 
nitrophenyl chlorof oritiate (O.Slgm, 4.02inmol) in 
tetrahydrofuran (30mL) was added triethylamine (1.16mL, 
8.38inmol) dropwise at 0°C . The resulting slurry was 

10 allowed to stir at 0°C for 30 minutes. Ethanolamine 

(0.6mL, lO.Ommol) was added and the solution was stirred 
at 0°C for 30 minutes. Normal work-up followed by 
chromatography on silica (hexane/acetone : 10/4) gave 11 
(1.03gm, 2.23mmol) as a white solid. NMR (500 MHz, 

15 CDCI3) 7.75 (d, IH) , 7.65-7.55 (m, 2H) , 7.5-7.4 (m, IH) , 
7.25-7.15 (t, 2H), 7.15-7.05 (t, 2H) , 6.4 (d, IH) , 5.2- 
5.1 (bs, IH) , 5.15 {s,2H), 3.75-3.65 (t, 2H) , 3.4-3.3 (m, 
2H) . 

wo 02/14281 




A mixture of 11 (1.03gm, 2 . 23itimol) , (L) -BOC- 
Val-OH (0.97gm, 4.4 6inmol), and 1- (3-dimethylaminopropyl ) 
S-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride in methylene chloride 
(30mL) was stirred at room temperature for 1.5 hours. 
Normal work-up followed by chromatography on silica 
(hexane/ acetone: 10/4) gave Val deriv. 12 (1.38gms, 
2.09inmol) as a white solid. NMR (500 MHz, CDCI3) 7.75 

(d, IH) , 7.55-7.55 (m, 2H) , 7.5-7.4 (m, IH) , 7.25-7.15 
(t, 2H) , 7,15-7.05 (t, 2H) , 6.4 (d, IH) , 5.40-5.35 (bs, 
IH) , 5.05 (s, 2H), 5.00-4.95 (d, IH) , 4.4-4.3 (m, IH) , 
4.25-4.15 (m, IH) , 4.15-4.05 (m, IH) , 3.55-3.45 (m, 2H) , 
2.15-2.05 (m, IH) , 1.45 (s, 9H) , 1.0-0.85 (m, 6H) . 







To a solution of 12 (1.38gms, 2.09mmol) in 
methylene chloride (2 0mLs) was added trif luoroacetic acid 
(lOmLs) . The solution was allowed to stir at room 
temperature for 1 hour. Normal work-up gave a white solid 
that was converted to its hydrochloride salt to give 13 
(compound 111 of Table 2; 0.61gms, 1.02mmol) as a white 
solid. The spectral data for compound 13 was: H NMR 
(500 MHz, CDCI3) 7,65 (d, IH) , 7.55-7.45 (m, 2H) , 7.4-7.3 
(m, IH) , 7.15-7.05 (m, 2H) , 7.05-5.95 (m, 2H) , 6.35 (d, 
IH), 5.05-5.00 (bs, IH), 4.95 (s, 2H) , 4.15-4.05 (m, 2H) , 

wo 02/14281 



3.45-3.25 (III, 2H) , 3.2 (s, IH) , 1.95-1.85 (m, IH) , 0.90- 
0.75 (m, 6H) . 


Cloning of p38 Kinase in Insect Cells 
5 Two splice variants of human p38 kinase, CSBPl 

and CSBP2, have been identified. Specific 
oligonucleotide primers were used to amplify the coding 
region of CSBP2 cDNA using a HeLa cell library 
(Stratagene) as a template. The polymerase chain 

10 reaction product was cloned into the pET-15b vector 

(Novagen) . The baculovirus transfer vector, pVL-(His)6- 
p3 8 was constructed by subcloning a Xjbal-BamHI fragment 
of pET15b- (His) 6-p38 into the complementary sites in 
plasmid pVL1392 (Pharmingen) . 

15 The plasmid pVL- (His ) 6-p38 directed the 

synthesis of a recombinant protein consisting of a 23- 
represents a thrombin cleavage site) fused in frame to 
the N- terminus of p3 8, as confirmed by DNA sequencing and 

2 0 by N- terminal sequencing of the expressed protein. 

Monolayer culture of Spodoptera fruglperda (Sf9) insect 
cells (ATCC) was maintained in TNM-FH medium (Gibco BRL) 
supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum in a T-flask at 

27°C. Sf9 cells in log phase were co-transf ected with 
25 linear viral DNA of Autographa calif onica nuclear 

polyhedrosis virus (Pharmingen) and transfer vector pVL- 
(His) 6-p38 using Lipofectin (Invitrogen) . The individual 
recombinant baculovirus clones were purified by plaque 
assay using 1% low melting agarose. 

wo 02/14281 




Expression and Purification of Recombinant p38 Kinase 

Trichoplusia ni (Tn-3 68) High-Five^ cells 
(Invitrogen) were grown in suspension in Excel-405 
protein free medium (JRH Bioscience) in a shaker flask at 

27''C. Cells at a density of 1.5 X 10^ cells/ml were 
5 infected with the recombinant baculovirus described above 
at a multiplicity of- infection of 5. The expression 
level of recombinant p38 was monitored by immunoblotting 
using a rabbit anti-p38 antibody (Santa Cruz 
Biotechnology) . The cell mass was harvested 72 hours 

10 after infection when the expression level of p38 reached 
its maximum. 

Frozen cell paste from cells expressing the 
(His) g-tagged p38 was thawed in 5 volumes of Buffer A (50 
mM NaH2P04 pH 8.0, 200 mM NaCl, 2mM B-Mercaptoethanol , 10% 

15 Glycerol and 0 . 2 mM PMSF) . After mechanical disruption 
of the cells in a microf luidizer , the lysate was 
centrifuged at 30,000 x g for 30 minutes. The 

supernatant was incubated batchwise for 3-5 hours at 4^C 
with Talon™ (Clontech) metal affinity resin at a ratio of 

20 1 ml of resin per 2-4 mgs of expected p38. The resin was 
settled by centrifugation at 500 x g for 5 minutes and 
gently washed batchwise with Buffer A. The resin was 
slurried and poured into a column (approx. 2.6 x 5.0 cm) 
and washed with Buffer A + 5 mM imidazole. 

25 The (His)6-p38 was eluted with Buffer A + 100 

mM imidazole and subsequently dialyzed overnight at 4^C 
against 2 liters of Buffer B, (50 mM HEPES, pH 7.5, 25 mM 
^-glycerophosphate, 5% glycerol, 2mM DTT) . The Hisg tag 
was removed by addition of at 1.5 units thrombin 

wo 02/14281 



(Calbiochem) per mg of p38 and incubation at 20°C for 2-3 
hours. The thrombin was quenched by addition of 0,2 inM 
PMSF and then the entire sample was loaded onto a 2 ml 
benzamidine agarose (American International Chemical) 
5 column. 

The flow through fraction was directly loaded 
onto a 2.6 X 5.0 cm Q-Sepharose (Pharmacia) column 
previously equilibrated in Buffer B + 0 . 2 mM PMSF. The 
p38 was eluted with a 20 column volume linear gradient to 
10 0.6M NaCl in Buffer B. The eluted protein peak was 

pooled and dialyzed overnight at vs. Buffer C (50 mM 

HEPES pH 7.5, 5% glycerol, 50 mM NaCl, 2 mM DTT, 0 . 2 mM 
PMSF) . 

The dialyzed protein was concentrated in a 
15 Centriprep (Amicon) to 3-4 ml and applied to a 2 . 6 x 100 
cm Sephacryl S-IOOHR (Pharmacia) column. The protein was 
eluted at a flow rate of 35 ml/hr. The main peak was 
pooled, adjusted to 20 mM DTT, concentrated to 10-80 
mgs/ml and frozen in aliquots at -70*^C or used 
2 0 immediately. 

Activation of p38 
p38 was activated by combining 0.5 mg/ml p38 
with 0.005 mg/ml DD-double mutant MKK6 in Buffer B + lOmM 
25 MgCl2, 2mM ATP, 0 . 2mM Na2V04 for 30 minutes at 20''c. The 
activation mixture was then loaded onto a 1.0 x 10 cm 
MonoQ column (Pharmacia) and eluted with a linear 20 
column volume gradient to 1 . 0 M NaCl in Buffer B. The 
activated p38 eluted after the ADP and ATP, The 
30 activated p38 peak was pooled and dialyzed against buffer 
B + 0.2mM Na2V04 to remove the NaCl. The dialyzed protein 

wo 02/14281 



was adjusted to 1 . IM potassium phosphate by addition of a 
4 . OM stock solution and loaded onto a 1.0 x 10 cm HIC 
(Rainin Hydropore) column previously equilibrated in 
Buffer D (10% glycerol, 20raM B-glycerophosphate, 2 . OmM 
5 DTT) + I.IMK2HPO4. The protein was eluted with a 20 

column volume linear gradient to Buffer D + 50mM K2HPO4 . 
The double phosphorylated p38 eluted as the main peak and 
was pooled for dialysis against Buffer B + 0 . 2mM Na2V04 . 
The activated p38 was stored at -70^C. 



p38 Inhibition Assays 

A. Inhibition of Phosphorylation of EGF Receptor 


This assay was carried out in the presence of 
10 mM MgCl2, 25 mM ^-glycerophosphate, 10% glycerol and 
100 mM HEPES buffer at pH 1.6. For a typical IC50 
determination, a stock solution was prepared containing 

2 0 all of the above components and activated p3 8 (5 nM) . 

The stock solution was aliquotted into vials. A fixed 
volume of DMSO or inhibitor in DMSO (final concentration 
of DMSO in reaction was 5%) was introduced to each vial, 
mixed and incubated for 15 minutes at room temperature • 

25 EGF receptor peptide, KRELVEPLTPSGEAPNQALLR, a phosphoryl 
acceptor in p38-catalyzed kinase reaction (1), was added 
to each vial to a final concentration of 200 jiM, The 
kinase reaction was initiated with ATP (100 toM) and the 
vials were incubated at 3 0''c. After 3 0 minutes, the 

30 reactions were quenched with equal volume of 10% 
trifluoroacetic acid (TEA) . 

The phosphorylated peptide was quantified by 
HPLC analysis. Separation of phosphorylated peptide from 

wo 02/14281 PCT/USOl/25015 


the unphosphorylated peptide was achieved on a reverse 
phase column (Deltapak, 5 lom, C18 lOOD, Part no. 011795) 
with a binary gradient of water and acteonitrile, each 
containing 0.1% TFA. IC50 (concentration of inhibitor 
5 yielding 50% inhibition) was determined by plotting the 
percent {%) activity remaining against inhibitor 
concentration . 

B. Inhibition of ATPase Activity 

10 This assay is carried out in the presence of 10 

mM MgClzf 25 mM B-glycerophosphate, 10% glycerol and 100 
mM HEPES buffer at pH 7.6. For a typical Ki 
determination, the Km for ATP in the ATPase activity of 
activated p38 reaction is determined in the absence of 

15 inhibitor and in the presence of two concentrations of 
inhibitor. A stock solution is prepared containing all 
of the above components and activated p38 (60 nM) . The 
stock solution is aliquotted into vials. A fixed volume 
of DMSO or inhibitor in DMSO (final concentration of DMSO 

20 in reaction was 2.5%) is introduced to each vial, mixed 
and incubated for 15 minutes at room temperature. The 
reaction is initiated by adding various concentrations of 

ATP and then incubated at 30''c. After 30 minutes, the 

reactions are quenched with 50 p.1 of EDTA (0.1 M, final 
25 concentration), pH 8.0. The product of p38 ATPase 

activity, ADP, is quantified by HPLC analysis. 

Separation of ADP from ATP is achieved on a 

reversed phase column (Supelcosil, LC-18, 3 ]jm, part no. 

5-8985) using a binary solvent gradient of following 
30 composition: Solvent A - 0.1 M phosphate buffer 

containing 8 mM tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate 

wo 02/14281 



(Sigma Chemical Co., catalogue no. T-7158), Solvent B - 
Solvent A with 3 0% methanol. 

Ki is determined from the rate data as a 
function of inhibitor and ATP concentrations. 
5 p38 inhibitors of this invention will inhibit 

the ATPase activity of p38. 

C. Inhibition of IL-1, TNF, IL-6 and IL-8 
Production in LPS-Stimulated PBMCs 


Inhibitors were serially diluted in DMSO from a 
20 mM stock. At least 6 serial dilutions were prepared. 
Then 4x inhibitor stocks were prepared by adding 4 p.1 of 
an inhibitor dilution to 1 ml of RPMI154 0 medium/10% 
15 fetal bovine serum. The 4x inhibitor stocks contained 
inhibitor at concentrations of 80 pM, 32 pM, 12.8 pM, 
5.12 loM, 2.048 pM, 0.819 pM, 0.328 pM, 0.131 pM, 0,052 
pM, 0.021 pM etc. The 4x inhibitor stocks were pre- 
warmed at 37°C until use. 

20 Fresh human blood buffy cells were separated 

from other cells in a Vacutainer CPT from Becton & 
Dickinson (containing 4 ml blood and enough DPBS without 
Mg^'^/Ca^"^ to fill the tube) by centrif ugation at 1500 x g 
for 15 min. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) , 

25 located on top of the gradient in the Vacutainer, were 
removed and washed twice with RPMI164 0 medium/10% fetal 
bovine serum. PBMCs were collected by centrif ugation at 
500 X g for 10 min. The total cell number was determined 
using a Neubauer Cell Chamber and the cells were adjusted 

30 to a concentration of 4,8 x 10^ cells/ml in cell culture 

medium (RPMI1640 supplemented with 10% fetal bovine 
serum) . 

wo 02/14281 PCT/USOl/25015 


Alternatively;. whole blood containing an anti- 
coagulant was used directly in the assay. 

100 ^1 of cell suspension or whole blood were 
placed in each well of a 96-well cell culture plate. 
5 Then 50 lal of the 4x inhibitor stock was added to the 
cells. Finally, 50 ]il of a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) 
working stock solution (16 ng/ml in cell culture medium) 
was added to give a final concentrati on of 4 ng/ml LPS in 
the assay. The total assay volume of the vehicle control 
10 was also adjusted to 200 ]il by adding 50 ^l cell culture 
medium. The PBMC cells or whole blood were then 

incubated overnight (for 12-15 hours) at 37° C/5% CO2 in a 

humidified atmosphere. 

The next day the cells were mixed on a shaker 
15 for 3-5 minutes before centrif ugation at 500 x g for 5 

minutes. Cell culture supernatants were harvested and 

analyzed by ELISA for levels of IL-lp (R&D Systems, 

Quantikine kits, #DBL50) , TNF-a (BioSource, #KHC3012), 

IL~6 (Endogen, #EH2-IL6) and IL-8 (Endogen, #EH2-IL8) 
20 according to the instructions of the manufacturer. The 

ELISA data were used to generate dose-response curves 

from which IC50 values were derived. 

Results for the kinase assay (^^kinase''; 

subsection A, above) , IL-1, and TNF in LPS-stimulated 
25 PBMC's (^^cell") and IL-1, TNF, and IL-6 in whole blood 

(^^WB") for various p38 inhibitors of this invention are 

shown in Table 7 below: 

wo 02/14281 



Table 7. 



IC50 (uM) 

Cell IL-1 
IC50 (uM) 

Cell TNF 
ICSO (uM) 

WB IL-1 
ICSO (uM) 

ICSO (uM) 

ICSO (uM) 























Other p38 inhibitors of this invention will 
also inhibit phosphorylation of EGF receptor peptide, and 
5 will inhibit the production of IL-1, TNF and IL-6, as 

well as IL-8, in LPS-stimulated PBMCs or in whole blood. 

D. Inhibition of IL-6 and IL-8 

Production in IL-l-Stimulated PBMCs 

This assay is carried out on PBMCs exactly the 
10 same as above except that 50 ]al of an IL-lb working stock 
solution (2 ng/ml in cell culture medium) is added to the 
assay instead of the (LPS) working stock solution. 

Cell culture supernatants are harvested as 
described above and analyzed by ELISA for levels of IL-6 
15 (Endogen, #EH2-IL6) and IL-8 (Endogen, #EH2-IL8) 

according to the instructions of the manufacturer. The 
ELISA data are used to generate dose-response curves from 
which ICSO values were derived. 

wo 02/14281 



E. Inhibition of LPS-Induced 

Prostaglandin Endoperoxide Synthase-2 
(PGHS-2, or COX-2) Induction in PBMCs 

Human peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are 
5 isolated from fresh human blood buffy coats by 

centrifugation in a Vacutainer CPT (Becton & Dickinson) , 
15 X 10 cells are seeded in a 6-well tissue culture dish 
containing RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% fetal bovine 
serum, 50U/ml penicillin, 50 p-g/ml streptomycin, and 2 mM 

10 L-glutamine. Compounds are added at 0.2, 2.0 and 20 |IM 
final concentrations in DMSO. LPS is then added at a 
final concentration of 4 ng/ml to induce enzyme 
expression. The final culture volume is 10 ml/well. 

After overnight incubation at 37°C, 5% C02, the 

15 cells are harvested by scraping and subsequent 

centrifugation, the supernatant is removed, and the cells 
are washed twice in ice-cold DPBS (Dulbecco's phosphate 
buffered saline, BioWhittaker ) . The cells are lysed on 
ice for 10 min in 50 lal cold lysis buffer (20 mM Tris- 

20 HCl, pH 7.2, 150 mM NaCl, 1% Triton-X-100, 1% deoxycholic 
acid, 0.1% SDS, 1 mM EDTA, 2% aprotinin (Sigma), 10 jag/ml 
pepstatin, 10 |ig/ml leupeptin, 2 mM PMSF, 1 mM 
benzamidine, 1 mM DTT) containing 1 ^1 Benzonase (DNAse 
from Merck) . The protein concentration of each sample is 

25 determined using the BCA assay (Pierce) and bovine serum 
albumin as a standard. Then the protein concentration of 
each sample is adjusted to 1 mg/ml with cold lysis 
buffer. To 100 ]il lysate an equal volume of 2xSDS PAGE 
loading buffer is added and the sample is boiled for 5 

30 min. Proteins (30 p.g/lane) are size-fractionated on 4- 
2 0% SDS PAGE gradient gels (Novex) and subsequently 
transferred onto nitrocellulose membrane by 

wo 02/14281 


^lactropJioratic meana ^or 2 lioura at .100 in Towbln 
transfer buffer (25 ^ Tri^^ IB2 im glyciae) conteining 
20% methariol* After transfer t:he membrane is pr^traated 
for 1 tooxir at: room t^mperatiira witJi bio eking biaffer 1 5% 
noa-fat dry milk in DPBS supplemented with 0.1% l^mmi-^^Ql 
and wshed 3 times in DPBS/0»1% Tiie membrane 

ia incubated ot^^eriiight at 4^C witti a 1 ; 2S0 dilution, of 
Kioxiocional an t i 2 axitib<^dy (!Fr ana duct io-n 
Laboratories j in blocJciixg buffer* After 3 washes in 
10 D.PBS/0 .1% lweBri-20jt tlm membrane incubated v/itn a 
It 1000 diiutioa of horseradish peroxidase-conji^gated 
sheep antisertffii to mouse Ig C&aershain.) ia Jblocfeing biaffer 
for 1 E at room temperature* Then the membretie ia i^jaahad 
again 3 time-3 in DFBS/0,1?^ f>^eeti--20 , ECL detection 

system {Super Signal'^ Cli-^HRP Substrate System^ .Fierce) is 
used to determine the levels of ^xpresaioia of C0X.-*2* 

2AP70 Inhibition Aasay 
20 The activity of BHP 70 is Eteasarad by 

detarirdnlBg the phosphorylation poly E4Y {Sigitia 

Chemicals ^ St I^qxiIb mq) ^Ith y-^^P AfP (MEM, Boston.^ Ma) * 
Reactions are carried out at room temperature in a buffer 
contBlning lOQ m mms, pH 7.5, XO mM MgClar 25 him. mcl, 
2 5 t JtM DTf and 0.01% BBK. Final coxioer^tratioM of E^70 
axxd poly E4Y are 20 nM and 5 pM. respBctiv^ly , test 
compQttnds Ib i;mso ffinal concentration of compounds was 
30 iM in 1.5% JMSQ} are added to ttie reaction mixture 
contaiixing the aboire---descritoed componeats^ ThB reaction 

30 is initiated by addition of f-" ATP (final oou.cexit ration 
20 pM^ specific acti"Q^ity — 0^018 Ci/maol) > reactioia 
allowed to proceed for 12 minutes and then is qumched 

wo 02/14281 



by the addition of 10% TCA containing 200 mM ATP. The 
quenched reaction is harvested onto GF/C glass fiber 
filter plates (Packard, Meriden, CT) using a Tomtec 9600 
cell harvester (Tomtec, Hamden, CT) . The plates are 
5 washed with 5% TCA containing 1 mM ATP and water. 50 v^l 
of scintillation fluid is added to the plates, which are 
then counted using a Packard scintillation counter 
(Packard, Meriden, CT) . IC50 values for inhibitory 
compounds were determined using the same assay at a 
10 series of compound concentrations. 

While we have hereinbefore presented a number 
of embodiments of this invention, it is apparent that our 
basic construction can be altered to provide other 
15 embodiments which utilize the methods of this invention. 



wo 02/14281 




We claim: 

1. A compound of the formula 

(la) , 

(lb) , 



or (Id) , 

wherein each of Qi and Qz are independently 

selected from a phenyl or 5-6 membered aromatic 
heterocyclic ring system, or a 8-10 membered bicyclic 
ring system comprising aromatic carbocyclic rings, 
aromatic heterocyclic rings or a combination of an 
aromatic carbocyclic ring and an aromatic heterocyclic 


wherein the rings that make up Qi are 

substituted with 1 to 4 substituents , each of which is 
independently selected from halo; C1-C3 alkyl optionally 
substituted with NR'2/ OR', CO2R' or CONR'2; O- {C1-C3) - 
alkyl optionally substituted with NR'2. OR', CO2R' or 

wo 02/14281 



CONR'2; NR'2; OCF3; CF3/ NO2; CO2R'; CONR'; SR'; 
S(02)N(RM2; SCF3; CN; N(R')C(0)R'; N(R' )C(0)OR^• 
N(R' )C(0)C(0)R'; N(R' ) s (02)R^- n(r')r\' n(r^)2; or'; 

oc(0)rS- op(o)3H2; or n=c-n(r' ) 2; 

wherein the rings that make up Q2 are 
optionally substituted with up to 4 substituents, each of 
which is independently selected from halogen; C1-C3 
straight or branched alkyl optionally substituted with 

R', NR'2. OR', CO2R', S(02)N(R')2a N=C-N(R')2, R^ O- 
P(03)H2, or CONR'2; O- (C1-C3) -alkyl; O- (C1-C3) -alkyl 
optionally substituted with NR'2 A OR', CO2R' , S(02)N{R')2, 
N=CR'-N(R' ) 2, R^/ OP(03)H2, or CONR'2; NR'2; OCF3; CF3; NO2; 
CO2R'; CONR'2; R^; OR^; NR^; SR^; C(0)R^; C(0)N(R')R^; 

C{0)OR^; SR'; S(02)N(R')2; SCF3; N=CR'-N(R' )2; or'; O-CO2R'; 

N(R')C(0)R'; N(R' )C(0)0RS- N(R' )C(0)C(0)R'; N(R')S(02)R^ 
N(R')R'; N(R')2; ORS- 0C(0)R'; 0P(0)3H2; K; or CN; 

wherein each R' is independently selected from 

hydrogen; (C1-C3) -alkyl ; (C2-C3) -alkenyl or alkynyl; 
phenyl or phenyl substituted with 1 to 3 substituents 
independently selected from halo, methoxy, cyano, nitro, 
amino, hydroxy, methyl or ethyl; or a 5-6 membered 
heterocyclic ring system optionally substituted with 1 to 
3 substituents independently selected from halo, methoxy, 
cyano, nitro, amino, hydroxy, methyl or ethyl; 

wherein each R is independently selected from 

hydrogen, -R^, -N(R^)2, -0R^ SR^, -C (O) -N (R^) 2, -S(02)- 
N{R^)2, -C{0)-0R^ or -C(0)R^ wherein two adjacent R are 
optionally bound to one another and, together with each Y 
to which they are respectively bound, form a 4-8 membered 
carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring; 

wo 02/14281 



wherein each R is independently selected from 
hydrogen; or (C1-C3) -alkyl or (C1-C3) -alkenyl, each 
optionally substituted with -N(R')2^ -OR', SR' , -0-C (O) - 
N(R')2, -C(0)-N{R' )2/ -S (O2) -N(R' )2, -C(0)-OR', -NSOaR^ - 
NSOzR^, -C (O)N(R' ) (R^) , -NC(0)R^ -N(R')(R^), -N{R')(R^), - 
C{0)R^, -C(0)N(R' ) (R^) , -N(R^)2, -C (O) N=C (NH) 2 orR^; 


wherein each R is independently selected from 
5-8 menibered aromatic or non-aromatic carbocyclic or 
heterocyclic ring systems each optionally substituted 
with R' , R^ -C(0)R', -C(0)R^ -C(0)OR^ or -K; or an 8-10 
membered bicyclic ring system comprising aromatic 
carbocyclic rings, aromatic heterocyclic rings or a 
combination of an aromatic carbocyclic ring and an 
aromatic heterocyclic ring each optionally substituted 
with R^, R^, -C(0)R', -C(0)R^, -C (O) OR^ or -K; 


wherein each R is independently selected from 
R'; (Ci"C7) -straight or branched alkyl optionally 
substituted with R' , N(R')2/ OR', CO2R' , C0N(R')2/ 
S02N{R')2or S02N(R^)2; or a 5-6 membered carbocyclic or 
heterocyclic ring system optionally substituted with 
N(R')2, OR', CO2R', C0N(R')2, S02N(RM2 or S02N(R^)2; 

wherein each R is independently selected from 
hydrogen, (C1-C3) -alkyl, or (C1-C3) -alkenyl ; each 
optionally substituted with -N(R')2, -OR', SR' , -C (O) - 
N(R')2, -S (O2) -N(R' )2, -C(0)-OR', -N-S (O2 ) (R' ) , -NS02R^, - 
C(0)N(R' ) (R^) , -NC(0)R', -N(R')(R^), -C(0)R^, - 
C(0)N=C{NH)2 or R^; 

wherein each R is independently selected from 
5-8 membered aromatic or non-aromatic carbocyclic or 

wo 02/14281 



heterocyclic ring systems each optionally substituted 
with R' , -C(0)R' or -C(0)OR'; or an 8-10 meinbered 
bicyclic ring system comprising aromatic carbocyclic 
rings, aromatic heterocyclic rings or a combination of an 
aromatic carbocyclic ring and an aromatic heterocyclic 
ring each optionally substituted with R' , -C(0)R' or 
C (O) OR' ; 

wherein R is selected from H, halogen, or a 
(C1-C3) straight chain or branched alkyl; 

wherein ach Y is independently selected from N 
or C. If either Y is N, then R or U attached to Y is a 
lone pair of electrons; 

wherein Z is CH, N, C(0CH3), C(CH3), C(NH2), 
C (OH) or C (F) ; 

wherein each U is independently selected from R 

or J; 

wherein each J is independently selected from a 

(C1-C4) straight chain or branched alkyl derivative 

substituted with T; 

wherein each T is independently selected from 
either O (V) or N{H) (V) ; 

wherein each V is independently selected from 
C(0)N=C(R) {N(R)2)/ wherein the two geminal R on the 
nitrogen are optionally bound to one another to form a 4- 
8 membered carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring; 

wherein each K is independently selected from a 
(C1-C4) straight chain or branched alkyl derivative 
substituted with D, or "0P(0) (OH) 2; 

wherein each D is independently selected from 

either enantiomer of 

wo 02/14281 



wherein each M is iudependentiy selected from 
either O or NH; 

wherein each G is independently selected from 
NH2/ OH, or H; 

wherein each Re is independently selected from 

OH^ C(0)OH^ (CX-C7) -straight or branched alkyl 
optionally substituted with N(RM2/ OR^ / C02R^ r C0N(RM2/ 
or S02N(R )2r or a 5-6 metubered carbocyclic, heterocyclic 
or heteroaryl ring system optionally substituted with 
N(R')2/ 0R% CO2RS CON{RM2/ or S02N(R^)2; wherein G and 
Rb are optionally bound to one another to form a ring. 

2* The compound according to claixn 1^ wherein 
Qi ±B selected from phenyl or pyridyl containing 1 to 3 
substituents independently selected from chloro/ fluoro, 
bromo, -OH, -0(CH2)2CH3. 

3, 4-methylenedioxy, -NfCHs)^/ -NH^S (O) 2-phenyl, -HH-C{0)0- 
CH2-4"pyridiner (O) CHa^taorpholine/ 

-im-C (O) CH2-N (CH3) 2/ -NH-C (O) CHa-piperazine, 
-NH~C (O) CH2"pyrrolidine^ -NH-C (O) C (O) -morpholine^ 
-mi-C (O) C (O) -piperazine, --^NH-C (O) C (O) --pyrrolidine/ 
"O-CCOlCHa-NCCHala. or --O-- {CH2J a^N {CH3) 2 and wherein at 
least one of said siobstituents is in the ortho position. 

3* The compound according to claim 2, wherein 
Qi contains at least two substituentS/ both of which are 
in the ortho position. 

4, The compound according to claiin 2, wherein 
Qi is selected from: 

wo 02/14281 








'^^^ H3CO 




3 C 

















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f or 

5. The compound according to claim 4, wherein 
Qi is selected from 2-f luoro-6-trif luoromethylphenyl, 
2, 6-dif luorophenyl, 2, 6-dichlorophenyl;, 2-chloro-4- 
hydroxyphenyl, 2-chloro-4-aminophenyl, 2, 6"dichloro-4- 
aminophenyl, 2, 6-dichloro-3-aminophenyl, 2, 6-dimethyl-4- 
hydroxyphenyl, 2-methoxy-3^ 5-dichloro-4-pyridyl, 2- 

wo 02/14281 



chloro-4,5 methyl enedioxy phenyl, or 2-chloro-4- (N-2- 
morpholino-acetamido) phenyl . 

6. The compound according to claim 1^ wherein 
Qz is selected from phenyl, pyridyl or naphthyl and 

wherein Q2 optionally contains up to 3 substituents, each 
of which is independently selected from chloro, fluoro, 
bromo, methyl, ethyl, isopropyl, -OCH3, -OH, -NH2, -CF3, - 
OCF3, -SCH3, -OCH3, -C(0)OH, -C(0)0CH3, -CH2NH2, -N(CH3)2, 
-CH2-pyrrolidine and -CH2OH. 

7, The compound according to claim 6, wherein 

Q2 is selected from: 









wo 02/14281 



wo 02/14281 












f J 







\ / 




^ <- f S 





wo 02/14281 


\aiisubstltuted or uasubstitiated phenyls 

8^ The Qompomxd according to claim 7^ whe* 
Qo is selected from phenyl^. Z-tsopxopylphBnylt 3/4- 
dimethylphenyl/ 2--at"iiylp}ienyl ^ S-^f luorophanylr 2-- 

carbomethox.:ylph^iiyl ^ 2^carbaKirpiienyl ^ 2--imtbyl-4- 

tueth^^l eii0hy<iroxyphenyl^ 4-- f luoropheriyl^ 2 --methyl-- 4 ---^ 
fluorophenylr 2'-chloro^4-f luorphenyl/ 2^ 4--difluorophanyl^ 
2-^hydxo.xy*-4 - f luo^rpheiiy 1 or 2 "-KtBthyletxBhydroKy- 4 - 
f luoropiiens'^i/ l-^Baphthyl;. 3-chloro**2"-Biet]:iy^lettehydrox-y, So- 
cial oro--' 2 --methyl f or 4-*-f * 

9* Th.B corapaund accordirtg to claim wherein 

10* ThB compound according to claim 9^ wherein 
tfaa K attached to Y is independently selected from 
iiydrogexi or methyl - 

11 » "fhe compoimd according to clam if i^^hereixi 
J a atoiE chain te.minating in an ^Icoholi amine^ 
carboxylic acld^ ester a amide, ^ amldirie or lieterocycle 

12* Tile compound according to claim li^ 
where ixi J selected from: 

wo 02/14281 







O N 





I or 

13. The compound according to claim 1 wherein 

K is selected from: 



O' OH 







14. The compound according to claim 1^ wherein 
the compound is selected from any one of the compounds 
depicted in Tables 1-3. 

15. The compound according to claim \, wherein 

the compound is 

wo 02/14281 



wo 02/14281 



17. The compound according to claim 1, wherein 
the compound is 

18. The compound according to claim 1, wherein 
the compound is 

19. The compound according to claim 1^. wherein 
the compound is 

wo 02/14281 



20. A pharmaceutical composition comprising an 
amount of a compound according to any one of claims 1 to 
19 effective to inhibit p38, and a pharmaceutically 
acceptable earner • 

21. A method of treating or preventing 
inflammatory diseases, autoimmune diseases, destructive 
bone disorders, proliferative disorders, infectious 
diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, allergies, 
reperfusion/ischemia in stroke, heart attacks, angiogenic 
disorders, organ hypoxia, vascular hyperplasia, cardiac 
hypertrophy, thrombin-induced platelet aggregation or 
conditions associated with prostaglandin endoperoxidase 
synthase-2 in a patient, said method comprising 
administering to said patient a composition according to 
claim 20. 

22. The method according to claim 21, wherein 
said method is used to treat or prevent an inflammatory 
disease selected from acute pancreatitis, chronic 

wo 02/14281 



pancreatitis, asthma, allergies, or adult respiratory 
distress syndrome , 

23. The method according to claim 21, wherein 
said method" is used to treat or prevent an autoimmune 
disease selected from glomerulonephritis, rheumatoid 
arthritis, .systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, 
chronic thyroiditis. Graves' disease, autoimmune 
gastritis, diabetes, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, 
autoimmune neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, atopic 
dermatitis, chronic active hepatitis, myasthenia gravis, 
multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, 
ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, psoriasis, or graft 
vs. host disease. 

— 2-4,- - The- method- -according to Glaim™2X,~-wherean_ 

said method is used to treat or prevent a destructive 
bone disorders selected from osteoarthritis, osteoporosis 
or multiple myeloma-related bone disorder. 

25- The method according to claim 21, wherein 
said method is used to treat or prevent a proliferative 
disease selected from acute myelogenous leukemia, chronic 
myelogenous leukemia, metastatic melanoma, Kaposi's 
sarcoma, or multiple myeloma. 

26. The method according to claim 21, wherein 
said method is used to treat or prevent an infectious 
disease selected from sepsis, septic shock, or 
Shigellosis , 


wo 02/14281 



27. The method according to claim 21, wherein 
said method is used to treat or prevent a viral disease 
selected from acute hepatitis infection, HIV infection or 
CMV retinitis. 

28. The method according to claim 21, wherein 
said method is used to treat or prevent a 
neurodegenerative disease selected from Alzheimer' s 
disease, Parkinson's disease, cerebral ischemia or 
neurodegenerative disease caused by traumatic injury. 

29. The method according to claim 21, wherein 
said method is used to treat or prevent 

ischemia/reperf usion in stroke or myocardial ischemia, 
— renal ischemia-/ -heart attacks, organ-hypoxia or thrombin- 
induced platelet aggregation. 

30. The method according to claim 21, wherein 
said method is used to treat or prevent a condition 
associated with prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase-2 
selected from edema, fever, analgesia or pain. 

31. The method according to claim 30, wherein 
said pain is selected from neuromuscular pain, headache, 
cancer pain, dental pain or arthritis pain. 

32. The method according to claim 21, wherein 
said method is used to treat or prevent an angiogenic 
disorder selected from solid tumors, ocular 
neovasculization, or infantile haemangiomas . 


wo 02/14281 


as . A method of treating or preventing a p38- 
raediated disease, said method comprising administering to 
said patient a composition according to claim 20. 

34. A pharmaceutical composition comprising an 
amount of a compound according to any one of claims 1 to 
19 effective to inhibit ZAP70, and a pharmaceutically 
acceptable carrier . 

35. A method of treating or preventing organ 
or tissue rejection associated with transplantation, 
autoimune disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis, graft 
versus host disease, and Kawasaki syndrome, said method 
comprising administering to said patient a composition 
according to claim 34 . 

36. The method according to claim 35, wherein 
said method is used to treat or prevent an autoimmune 
disease selected from rheumatoid arthritis, systemic 
lupus erythematosus (SLE) , psoriasis, Sjogren's Syndrome, 
thyroiditis, pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiolitis 
obliterans, hemolytic anemia and Wegener's 
granulomatosis . 

37. The method according to claim 35, wherein 
said method is used to treat or prevent a cancer selected 
from leukemia and lymphoma. 

38. A method of treating or preventing a 
ZAP7 0-mediated disease, said method comprising 
administering to said patient a composition according to 
claim 34. 



Interna 1 Application No 

PCT/Ub 01/25015 


IPC 7 C07D213/75 C07D401/12 A61K31/4418 A61P7/00 A61P9/00 
A61P17/00 A61P25/00 A61P31/00 C07F9/58 

According to international Patent Classification (IPC) or to boXh national ciassification and IPC 


Minimunn documentation searcbied (classification system foliowed by classification symbols) 

IPC 7 C07D A61K A61P C07F 

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the e)ctent that such documents are included in the fields searched 

Electronic data base consulted during the internatfonal search (name of data base and, where pracltcal, search terms used) 

EPO-Internal , CHEM ABS Data 


Category ° 

Citation of document, with Indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 




18 November 1999 (1999-11-18) 

cited in the application 

page 71, Hne 17 - line 20; claims; 




27 September 2001 (2001-09-27) 
claims 1,8,11-23 


1 j Further documents are listed in the continuation of box C. 

|)( j Patent famiiy members are listed in annex. 

° Special categories of cited documents ; 

'A' document defining the general state of the art which is not 
considered to be of particular relevance 

'E' earlier document but published on or afterthe international 
filing date 

"L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or 
which is cited to establish the publication date of another 
citation or other special reason (as specified) 

"O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or 
other means 

'P' document published prior to the international filing date but 
later than the priority date claimed 

'T* later document published after the international filing date 
or priority date and not in conflict with the application but 
cited to understand the principle or theory underlying the 

'X' document of particular relevance; the claimed invention 
cannot be considered novel or cannot be considered to 
involve an inventive step when the document Is taken alone 

"Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention 

cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the 
document is combined with one or more other such docu- 
ments, such combination being obvious to a person skilled 
in the art. 

document member of the same patent family 

Date of the actual completion of the International search 

Date of maiing of the International search report 

22 January 2002 


Name and mailing address of the ISA 

European Patent Office, P.B. 5818 Patentlaan 2 
NL - 2280 HV Rijswijk 
Tel. (+31-70) 340-2040, Tx. 31 651 epo nl, 
Fax; (+31-70)340-3016 

Authorized officer 



Form PCT/lSA/210 (second sheet) (July 1992) 

International Application No. PCTAJS 01 y^5015 


Continuation of Box 1.2 

Claims Nos.: 1-13, 20-40 (partially) 

Present claims 1-13 relate to an extremely large number of possible 
compounds. Support within the meaning of Article 6 POT and/or disclosure 
within the meaning of Article 5 POT is to be found, however, for only a 
very small proportion of the compounds claimed. In the present case, the 
claims so lack support, and the application so lacks disclosure, that a 
meaningful search over the whole of the claimed scope is impossible. 
Consequently, the search has been carried out for those parts of the 
claims which appear to be supported and disclosed, namely those parts 
relating to the examples and to the compounds according to claims 1-13 of 
the present formulae (la), (lb), (Ic), (Id) in which Ql has the meanings 
as defined in claim 4, and Q2 has the meanings as defined in claim 7, and 
also to the use of these compounds according to claims 20-40. 

The applicant's attention is drawn to the fact that claims, or parts of 
claims, relating to inventions in respect of which no international 
search report has been established need not be the subject of an 
international preliminary examination (Rule 66.1(e) POT). The applicant 
is advised that the EPO policy when acting as an International 
Preliminary Examining Authority is normally not to carry out a 
preliminary examination on matter which has not been searched. This is 
the case irrespective of whether or not the claims are amended following 
receipt of the search report or during any Chapter II procedure. 


nation on patent family members 

Patent document 
cited in search report 


Interns Application No 

PCT/u:i 01/25015 

WO 9958502 



Patent farriliy 






































UO 0170695 A 27-09-2001 WO 0170695 Al 27-09-2001 

Form PCT/lSA/210 (paienl family annex) (July 1992}